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What are the pros and cons of a curved monitor? Curved vs Flat Monitors

With the amount of choice available to every level of consumer - from a lengthy list of tech specifications all the way down to finding out What’s the Best Computer Monitor Size - picking what type of monitor you want can be an overwhelming task.

The recent trend of curved monitors gaining popularity among gaming enthusiasts and working professionals has added another layer of decision-making. Are curved monitors better? Doesn’t the latest technology always equal the best option? Should I buy a curved computer monitor? Do I want a dual monitor setup? Let’s get into the details below.

Are curved or flat-screen monitors better for work?

curved vs flat monitors

For most in an office-like setting, there isn’t much choice to be had in what kind of monitor setup you have at your desk. However, with the growing trend of remote work, more work desks are finding their way into homes allowing for more choice in what kind of monitor you spend your day using.

Ever since LCD screens took hold in the mid-00s as they became affordable, the flat screen has dominated the workplace. Fast-forward to today, and it’s now curved monitors that are gaining popularity and affordability. And there is a good reason for this!

Whether you’re working at home or in an office, you’re spending a lengthy amount of time looking at a screen which can strain and fatigue your eyes. While blue light reduction can help with this, your eyes are still darting back and forth over increasing screen sizes in addition to the distortion at either end of your monitor.

It’s this distortion that contributes to eye strain as the viewer's normal field of view can’t keep the entire screen in focus. Where curved screens are a benefit is how they allow the viewer to see everything at once more naturally and with no strain. The best monitors, like the Deco Gear 39 Inch White Monitor and the 34” 3440x1440 21:9 Ultrawide Curved Monitor, offer striking visuals and a high resolution that also happen to be easy on your eyes during prolonged use. Graphic designers will certainly benefit from such monitors. Plus, thanks to their curvature, it helps to reduce eye strain and allow for better peripheral vision.

It’s not hard to see how, when sitting at a desk for many hours a day, curved displays can benefit your productivity and comfort - score one point for curved monitors.

Is a curved monitor better for gaming?

The answer to this question isn't as straightforward and is entirely dependent on what kind of gaming you are pursuing. Are you looking to play an immersive AAA blockbuster title? Are you trying to be the best player in your online competitive shooter? Are you looking to fly a plane in your home-built simulator? With gaming, there are a ton of possibilities that lead to different answers.

At the professional level, competitors tend to not use widescreen or curved monitors for gaming because they are usually not supported by the tournaments themselves. One could say this is simply competitions sticking with what they know - why change what isn’t broken? - but the truth is there are many games at that level of play that wouldn’t benefit from a curved screen. Some can even be considered at a disadvantage.

As of now, flat-panel monitors are still less expensive than curved models and have a lower barrier of entry to the higher-end spec range. Getting high-end refresh rates and response times that gamers desire can cost two to three times more than a flat panel.

All of that said, curved monitors can offer a more immersive gaming experience - one that adds a layer of realism for more cinematic-style games and simulations. Where multiple monitors are effective in providing a fun and immersive experience, there is nothing quite like a bezel-free visual experience.

Curved vs Flat Monitors, which one is best for you?

It’s important to take stock in how you plan to primarily use your monitor. If you care about and often compete in online games, a curved monitor may not offer the benefit you’re looking for at an affordable price - it’s here that flat panels are still worth it.

But if your gaming lends to slower paced experiences or are visual reliant, a curved monitor with Freesync may be the way to go. As far as spending 8-hours a day in front of either type, a curved monitor creates less eye, but there’s also something to be said about setting up multiple flat panel monitors side by side to use for dedicated projects.

Think about what situations you will encounter with your next IPS or HDR monitor, how much time is dedicated to fun or work, or maybe both. What are some of your personal preferences? There is no shortage of options, and Deco Gear has your back for every need.

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